
How To Get The Perfect LOR

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  • How To Get The Perfect LOR
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  • 08 September 2023

Many students underestimate the importance of a good letter of recommendation, but admissions committees take it very seriously. Hence, here are some steps for securing that standout LOR:

1. Choosing the Right Recommender: Universities have varying preferences; some prefer professional LORs, while others favor academic ones. Make sure to speak with alumni to understand your target university's preferences.

2. Contact them well in advance and explain the process to them: Let your recommender know that you’ll be requiring an LOR from them, ideally 1-2 months in advance. This way, they know that you respect their time. Don’t wait until one week before the deadline to ask them about the same.
Also, the current format that universities follow simply requires you to submit the email of the recommender in the application form. The university then sends an email to the recommender that contains a link to submit the LOR. It’s not the traditional format where you’re required to get an LOR on the letterhead. Brief the recommender about this procedure so that any doubts they have are cleared out well in advance.

3. Crafting the Content: Some recommenders are comfortable with the student sending them a template that they can use. If so, ensure that your recommender either validates and elaborates on the significant achievements already mentioned in the CV or adds unique experiences not mentioned in the application. If they wish to self-write, choose someone who knows you well and can write a detailed, personalized LOR. Generic LORs won't make the cut.

4. Maintain good relations: Make sure you’re on good terms with the recommender (at least until the LOR is submitted lol). Keep sending gentle reminders and updating them about when they can expect the email from the university. Express gratitude for their support, both before and after they submit the LOR.

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